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Check out our Yantra Workshops and Retreats

Bhuvaneshvari Yantra for Creativity = Color Your Yantra With Sarah + Colette - 4:30pm UK, 11:30am EST, 8:30am PST
4:30 PM16:30

Bhuvaneshvari Yantra for Creativity = Color Your Yantra With Sarah + Colette - 4:30pm UK, 11:30am EST, 8:30am PST

Join Sarah and Colette for the end of Spring - almost Summer - Yantra Class.

You will be coloring the Bhuvaneshvari Yantra. This Yantra ignites creativity and endless possibilities in the mind and heart of the devotee.

Come prepared to dive into the process and hear all about the boons of the Goddess Bhuvaneshvari that will be bestowed upon you as you work with this Yantra.

You will need:

Gold, Yellow, White, Silver, Mauve, Violet and Peachy - colors.

A beverage

and Good Lighting.

See you soon,


Sign Up link is coming….check back.

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Introduction To Yantras - Part Two - The Moon Yantra (6pm - 7:15pm London, 10am California, 1pm New York City)
6:00 PM18:00

Introduction To Yantras - Part Two - The Moon Yantra (6pm - 7:15pm London, 10am California, 1pm New York City)

Join us for this FULL MOON COLORING CLASS hosted by Colette Park and experience the wonders of your feminine intuition and a way to live in tune with your heart.

When you sign up you will receive the Yantra and Yantra Mandala Outline to print out before the class.

You will receive the ZOOM CLASS link and if you are unable to make the class LIVE you will receive the recording of the class.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


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