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Anajuda, South Korea - Four-Day Goddess Yantra Painting Intensive with Sarah Tomlinson and Seunghee Cha, Thursday-Sunday, 10-5, May 29-June 1, 2025


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Anajuda, South Korea - Four-Day Goddess Yantra Painting Intensive with Sarah Tomlinson and Seunghee Cha, Thursday-Sunday, 10-5, May 29-June 1, 2025

Join Sarah Tomlinson in this inaugural visit to Seoul, South Korea to the beautiful studio of Seunghee Cha.

An Introduction To Creating Yantras: Working with the Goddess

A step-by-step method for creating Yantra Paintings as a meditation. This active form of meditation is part of an ancient tradition where Yantra (the visual geometric form) and Mantra (the audible form) of a deity is focused on to facilitate shifts in your internal state. This subtle shift in your mental, emotional realm will create sometimes dramatic clearing and evolution in your outer life. These are powerful practices!

During this four-day workshop you will be guided through the foundation steps for creating a Yantra Meditation Practice. This will include:

Drawing and Painting Yantras*

Learning how to infuse the Mantra with the Yantra

Creating a Yantra Ritual with flowers and candles as a community offering.

There will be time during the days for some yoga asana, breathing and rest to integrate the practice of creating Yantra in your body.

Ganesha Yantra will be the first Yantra you will learn to support your assimilation of this Ancient Practice.

The Goddesses you will focus on are:

Durga: for clearing

Lakshmi: for balance

Saraswati: for creativity

At the end you will have 1-4 Yantras to take home and uplift the energy in your living space.

*Art Supplies Are Included

Save the dates: more info coming soon.