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BALI BLISS — Yoga and Yantra Retreat — June 6-13th, 2025


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BALI BLISS — Yoga and Yantra Retreat — June 6-13th, 2025

Bali Bliss

Yoga + Yantra Retreat in Ubud, Paradise.
June 6-13th, 2025



When: June 6th-13th, 2025

Where: Ubud, Bali.

What Makes this Retreat Special?

You will dive into the realm of the five senses through this retreat in paradise. Mostly our hyper connected to technology status has surpassed our ability to connect to our inner calm and knowing.

It is our wish for you on this retreat to reverse this and strengthen your existing connection to your nature, by being in nature, and to spirit, and by connecting with the enchanting spirit of the magic of Bali.

To enhance this process you will be guided through meditation, yoga and yantra practices, nature excursions and water purification rituals. There will be ample free time to assimilate the experience and ‘just be’.

During this 8 day retreat you will: 

  • Cultivate a daily yoga practice (or deepen your existing one)

  • Learn about the practice of Yantra Drawing and Yantra Painting Meditation

  • Immerse yourself in Balinese culture 

  • Discover the beauty of the naturescape of Ubud

  • Partake in magical rituals

  • Spend a lot of time outdoors

  • Enjoy stories and meditations to reconnect to nature and the five senses

△ Scroll down for the full itinerary and sample schedule △

Why Ubud and why now?

The beauty of nature is so needed. To be able to step back and take a small break from your daily lives is so special. This shift in outer environment creates a spaciousness within that is life-changing.

We chose early June as the weather is good, there is less rain and less bugs!

After time together at this gorgeous guest house complex in Ubud, you will have the option to stay in Bali and continue soaking up the magic of the place.


Single Occupancy = $3,200 - (available)

Double Occupancy △ 2 Beds Per Room = $2,900 ( available)

△ Please sign up soon if you would like to come. △

Payment Schedule

  • Send in a $650 deposit to secure your spot. Installment plan is available.

△ Please email if you have any questions. △

Registration: Your passport must be valid for six months past the date of this retreat.  We will also request an I.C.E. of your close friends or relatives and proof of travel insurance for the duration of the retreat.

What is included in your fee:

  • Tuition 

  • All accommodation (see selections below)

  • All travel within Bali during the 6th-13th June once the retreat has begun.

  • Breakfast (and a couple of special dinners)

  • Paper to draw on/and/or/Yantra Outlines To Color

  • Paint if you would like to paint your Yantra.

What is not included:

  • Travel insurance (required)

  • Flight to Denpasar

  • Airport to retreat car journey

  • Lunches and some dinners at the local cafes

  • Personal laundry

  • All other treatments/massages, shopping, etc.

  • Pens and coloring materials + paintbrushes

  • Yoga mat/Temple flower offerings

△ All payments are non refundable after October 1, 2024 △


June 6th: Arrive in Denpasar, make your way to Ubud

June 6-13th: Retreat

June 13th: Retreat ends. Return to Denpasar to fly out or you have an option to travel from Ubud.

Sample Daily Schedule*

Sample Daily Schedule* approximate timings:

  • 6am: chai/tea/coffee and fruits

  • 7am:  Morning yoga, teachings and Mantra

  • 8:30-10:30am Breakfast

  • 10am: Yantra Class or Excursion

  • 12:30pm: Lunch + Personal Time

  • 3-5pm Yantra Class or Excursion

  • 5pm Dinner + Free Time

  • 9pm: Sleep

 *Please note* -  the daily schedule will vary slightly according to the extra trips/events, this is Bali where magical things can happen at any time so we kindly ask for your flexibility and patience in advance.

Additional Logistical Notes & Tips

  • The main destination of your retreat is Ubud, Bali

  • There will be 1-2 Zoom sessions to meet as a group before the retreat.

  • More info available upon request.

About Your Teachers

Sarah Tomlinson

Author, artist, mother and yogini, is your course teacher. Sarah has been intimately involved with the Planet and Goddess ever since her initiation into Yantra Painting with Harish Johari in the ‘90’s. See more about Sarah HERE.


Nancy Nomellini

Founder and Owner of Mother Yoga, Seattle, Nancy is a creative force of nature who weaves the mystical throughout her teaching and practice of yoga, asana, myths and devotion.

Mother Yoga is located in the heart of ChinaTown and attracts a diverse and underserved community in the Pacific North West.

Nancy and her husband Dane are designing a conscious lifestyle together that is an inspiration to their immediate and web-based clientele.

Nancy’s passion is cuisine and here in Bali you will be tasting some of the local delicacies and enjoy a cooking class too!


△ Please email if you have any questions. △

Upon registration you will be asked to complete a waiver declaring your personal responsibility on this retreat. Your passport must be valid for six months past the date of this retreat. We request an I.C.E. of your close friends or relatives and proof of travel insurance for the duration of the retreat. Travel Visa is available on arrival.