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Nine Planet Temple Ritual: January 22nd  - February 3rd, 2026


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Nine Planet Temple Ritual: January 22nd - February 3rd, 2026

Nine Planet Temple Ritual in India




Join Sarah Tomlinson and Seema Johari in South India on this nine day pilgrimage through the Nine Planetary Temples and Practices.

The Navagraha (nine planetary bodies) is a deep inner journey to the 9 cosmic forces that influence and shape our inner and outer existence.

And you will be the first to be invited on this retreat.

Living With The Planets

The ways to honor the planets and bring happiness and wellness into all areas of your life are many and during this retreat you will be given a wide range of practices to get to know the one(s) that are the most helpful and fun for you.

Planetary Yoga,

Planetary Yantras,

Planetary Mantras,

Planetary Temple Offerings,

To further augment your relationship with the planets, you will be exploring them on their preferred day!

Monday: Moon Temple: Moonday: Colors and Yoga. Mantras and Yantras.

Tuesday: Mars Temple: Marsday etc…

Until you have completed the Navagraha Pilgrimage: the Nine Planet Circuit.

Cost: $1,000 / £800 for tuition + our host/guide fee + accommodation, food and transport. See pricing for accommodation options when you place your deposit at the registration page coming soon.

Where: the course begins and ends in Chennai, South India.

The retreat is held in an Eco Resort in Swami Malai, these beautiful surroundings will be your base for the Nine Day Practice. The closest large town is Kumbakanom.

You are welcome to contact Sarah via email to find out if this retreat is right for you.


Balance Your Nine Planets and Restore Balance And Enthusiasm In Your Life


22nd January — arrive in Chennai

23rd January — Chennai group meditation practices, temple and shopping

24th January — Travel To Kumbakanom

25th January— Day One - SUN

26th January — Day Two of Navagraha - MOON

27th January — Day Three of Navagraha - MARS

28th January — Day Four of Navagraha - MERCURY

29th January — Day Five of Navagraha - JUPITER

30th January — Day Six of Navagraha - VENUS

31st January — Day Seven of Navagraha - SATURN

1st February— Day Eight of Navagraha - RAHU

2nd February— Day Nine of Navagraha - KETU and travel back to Chennai

3rd February— Retreat ends, journey on or back.

On this sacred pilgrimage to the 9 Planetary Temples, located within a radius of 60km in Tamil Nadu, we will come in deep contact with the 9 cosmic forces and explore them using the tools of Mantra, Yantra and Tantra.


Two nice ways to prepare for the retreat: Reading Nine Designs For Inner Peace by Sarah Tomlinson (available on amazon and other good book shops everywhere) and taking the Nine Planet Yoga Class HERE.


& Consider meeting your teacher Sarah Tomlinson online during a one:one consultation.

Daily Schedule

disclaimer: this is India — there will be some flexibility with the scheduling

7am Tea Coffee

8am Planet Yoga For The Day (Moon Yoga Poses on a Monday etc)

10am-2pm Planetary Temple Visit For The Day

2-3pm Lunch and free time

3-5pm Yantra Coloring

5pm Dinner

6-8pm Evening Meditation

8pm Free Time and Sleep

Your Teachers

Sarah + Seema Photo: By Pradip Sarma, India 2024

Sarah Tomlinson and Seema Johari have led countless retreats in India over the past twenty+ years. They are ready to welcome you to the Navagraha Pilgrimage 2026!

Sarah Tomlinson is a pioneer in teaching Yantra Painting in the West. Her books Nine Designs for Inner Peace, Coloring Yantras and the newly released Yantra Oracle Deck have brought Yantras to the forefront of the Spiritual and Yogic Traditions. Sarah is also a counselor, working with Ayurvedic Astrology and Yantra Practice in a one:one setting. Sarah is mother to two teenage boys and lives with her husband and family by the sea in Devon, United Kingdom.

Seema Agarwal, is a force. Seema is a teacher of the planets and all things mystical, practical and benevolent n India. Seema is also your guide for the retreat. She is the daughter of the late, great renaissance teacher Harish Johari. He brought the Eastern Wisdom to the West in the most accessible ways through his books: Tools for Tantra, Chakras, Ayurvedic Massage, Numerology and Healing Cuisine. Seema, based at the Johari House in Haridwar, has been leading retreats in India for the past 20yrs since Sarah and Seema led their first annual India Retreat!

Photo: By Bhaskar J. K. At the Bhuvaneshvari Temple during the 2024 India Retreat.




*A note from Sarah: A portion of your payment will go towards supporting the teachers in India. Rather than give to charities that I have no connection with, I have chosen to include and work with Seema Johari, the daughter of my teacher Harish Johari, during this retreat. This woman is a force!  We are fortunate to have their darshan (presence and blessings) and I am happy to be able to give back to their family and legacy.

△ I N D I A △


What is included in your fee:

  • Course tuition 

  • All accommodation

  • All travel within India during the retreat

  • All meals and (and yummy chai!)

  • Paper to draw on/and/or/Yantra Outlines To Color


What is not included:

  • Travel insurance (required)

  • Flight to India

  • Personal laundry at the hotels

  • All other treatments/massages, shopping, etc.

  • Pens and coloring materials

  • Yoga mat/Temple flower offerings