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Bhakti Yoga Shala presents: Yantras and Mantras in Santa Monica


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Bhakti Yoga Shala presents: Yantras and Mantras in Santa Monica

  • Bhakti Yoga Shala Santa Monica CA (map)

Join us to color your Yantra while you chant your sacred mantras.

Sita Rose and friends will be setting the stage for your Yantra invocation through the beautiful chants. The music will continue as you work on your chosen Yantra. Sarah Tomlinson will introduce a selection of Goddess and Planetary Yantras for you to work with. The one you choose will be colored during this workshop and you can take it home to meditate with in the coming weeks.

Please bring your favorite coloring media with you: pencils/pens/crayons...all welcome. This will be an enchanting meditative experience for you to dive into through color, shape and sound.

Cost: $25. Children free.

Signed copies of Sarah's new coloring book will be available at the end of this event for $20.

"Coloring Yantras is a rich offering to bring the transformational power of yantras to all. With in-depth knowledge infused in each yantra, we can now trace and color with Sarah’s beautiful drawings infused with the blessings of her guru Harish Johari."
-Shiva Rea, founder Prana Vinyasa and Samudra Global School for Living Yoga

"More than a coloring book, this collection of art teaches us the meaning of Sacred Yantras, encouraging us to use them as empowerment symbols to create the life we want with deep respect for the ancient science of Yantra. For you, your altar, your children, your family art time; we love the moments of art-making together with Sarah's precious work."
-Elena Brower, Author, Art of Attention and Practice You