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Sri Vidya Weekend: September Goddess Yantra and Mantra Workshop in San Francisco


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Sri Vidya Weekend: September Goddess Yantra and Mantra Workshop in San Francisco

Join Sarah Tomlinson and Malcolm McQuirter for this festive Fall Goddess Yantra and Mantra Meditation weekend. Over these two days you will:

Select the Yantra that will help you with your personal evolution,
Make your Yantra, Drawing and painting guidance will be given.
Chant at a fire ceremony with meditation,
Participate in a ritual with Yantras, mantras and flower petals.

and be:


This is powerful work and we would love you to join us. Please sign up in advance, the session is limited to 10 participants:

Cost for the weekend: $190

Art Supplies: Are provided.
Flowers: Please bring some flowers for the Yantra Puja (colors will be assigned)

Dates+Times: Saturday and Sunday September 16+17th, Please check the Samana website for more info on the times of the sessions, a la carte scheduling is also possible if you would like to come to just the flower puja, the homa or the yantra painting.