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Create Your Yantra: A drawing class to invoke the goddess within. Chester, NJ


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Create Your Yantra: A drawing class to invoke the goddess within. Chester, NJ

  • TBC Prince Street New York, NY, 10012 United States (map)

In this introductory class you will be guided through the steps needed to create your own personal Yantra. The Yantra once created reflects your beauty back to you. This is a wonderful practice and one that continues when you take your completed Yantra home to meditate upon.

A Yantra is a sacred symbol used to purify the subtle body and bring you into a state of wholeness and balance. This healing symbol opens the body and prepares you for meditation in the same way that asana and pranayama do. Come and open to this ancient practice.

Drawing supplies will be provided, please bring your favorite coloring tools with you: Crayons, pens, simple paints, and a folder (12x12") to take your Yantra home in.


Cost: $80

Address: Dhyana Yoga Arts