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Book Launch Party! "COLORING YANTRAS" New York City


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Book Launch Party! "COLORING YANTRAS" New York City

  • Land Yoga 2116 Frederick Douglass Boulevard New York, NY, 10026 United States (map)

Come and celebrate the publication of COLORING YANTRAS, the comprehensive, and beautiful coloring book by Sarah Tomlinson, published by Shambhala Publishing.

Sarah and Ambika will provide a chanting and coloring experience for you to celebrate with us.

What to expect:

  • A short talk with Sarah Tomlinson,
  • Chanting with Ambika Cooper
  • Coloring Meditation (a Goddess Yantra card of your choice to color and keep)
  • Book-signing and refreshments
  • Your own signed copy of Coloring Yantras to take home!

When: Tuesday December 5th, 7:00-9:00pm

Hosted by Lara Land!

Please pre-register.

New York City

Please Pre-Register for your evening, $25 includes festivities and your personally signed copy of Coloring Yantras, and hey if you already have a copy come anyway and gift one to someone for the holidays!

Bring Coloring Pens and Pencils!

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