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Harnessing The Power Of The Planets

Please select the route you would like to take through this course:

Planet Brilliance One: Offers you the succinct form of the eight-week class. You will learn the archetypes in depth and discover how to embody and exude self-confidence and love.

Planet Brilliance V.I.P: Offers you the same eight-week class outlined above with additional support. You will receive 4 complimentary hours of counseling regarding your planetary archetypes and how to maximize the potential they give you. You will have unlimited access to email with Sarah. You will also have the opportunity to either have a Yantra painted for you by Sarah OR Sarah will give you a one:one lesson on creating your personal Yantra. This is the highly brilliant option if you are ready to dive in.

Planet Brilliance 1

Get through the day with ease. Take the eight-week on-line course with Sarah Tomlinson. You will receive a digital download PDF with the link to your class content. Cost for the course is $350.00

Planet Brilliance V.I.P.

Get through the day with ease. V.I.P. style. Here you will receive additional support and teachings with Sarah Tomlinson as you move through the eight-week online course. You will receive the digital download PDF to connect you with the class pages: $2,500

To learn about the 8-archetypes of a friend or family member during the class please use this payment button:

Basic Chart - Listing or screenshot of the 8 archetypes.

With your friend, family member or client’s permission, you can obtain their EIGHT ARCHETYPES here and use this information to help them with their present concerns. This is also a very helpful studying tool. Note: It is a preliminary requirement to receive your own full two-hour Yantra Consultation before preparing to look at, or consult, with others’ charts.