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 F. A. Q.

Hi Everyone,

Here you will find a few notes about your trip to Mexico. If you have questions I will answer them here. Please email me if you do.

You will also find your ‘what to bring’ essentials list!

Question: Do we need to bring a towel?

Answer: No - we have towels - see the list below.

Retreat Location: Casa Antonio, San Agustinillo

Taxi Destination: Casa Bagus (Hotel two doors down more widely known) there is a little funky green house next door.

What To Bring

  • Art Supplies:
    A compass, ruler, pencil, eraser. Coloring pens or pencils. If you’d like to paint bring your watercolors or gouache paints with you. I will provide paper. You are welcome to bring your own paper too. Please bring a firm notebook to take your Yantras home in - or a folder. 8 x 8”, 8.5 x 11” or 12 x 12”

  • Yoga Mat

  • Two (at least) bikinis/Bathing Suits

  • Two sarongs/light beach clothing

  • Flipflops

  • Ear Plugs (if the sound of the ocean at night is too loud)

  • Sunglasses/hat/sunscreen

  • Mosquito Repellant

  • Yoga clothes - light clothing, it will be warm.

  • There are swim towels and bath towels at the villa.

  • One pair of travel shoes or hiking shoes in case you get adventurous in the early or later, cooler, hours

  • Nothing too valuable (btw there are lock/safe boxes)

  • Yourselves

The Mantra Section begins at 43.00 minutes.