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To register: Select the deposit OR pay-in-full option for your chosen accommodation below.

This is your entire retreat payment; covering room, meals, treatments, tuition and excursions.
Save $$ With Early Bird Pricing Sale By October 12th, 2024
Or place your deposit today and complete the balance with Early Bird Pricing by October 31st, 2024

UK PAYMENTS - Please see payment option below.

US $ Please Pay Using The Buttons Here.

Your Non-Refundable Deposit is $800.00 to save your spot.
Paying in full is an option if you are ready to jump in with both feet today.

See sample photos of the accommodation below:
Note all rooms have en suite bathrooms.

Palace Deluxe AC Room - Single Occupancy - Pay In Full

The luxury room with a view.
To make sure you get the Palace Room and the Early Bird pricing - pay in full today.

Early Bird Price: $3,750, regular price will be $4,150 after October 12, 2024

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Hill View AC Room - Single Occupancy - Pay in Full (early bird pricing)

Enjoy the tranquil space this suite provides you. Sign Up today for early bird pricing.

Early Bird Price: $3,600, regular price will be $4,000 after October 12, 2024

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Palace Deluxe AC Room - Shared Occupancy - Per Person - Early Bird Pay in Full

Two single beds in the shared occupancy suites. Bring a friend or make one in India.
Please let us know if you are coming with your partner and would like one large bed instead of two.

Early Bird Price: $2,995, regular price will be $3,450 after October 12, 2024

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Hill View AC Room - Shared Occupancy - Early Bird - Pay In Full

Bring a friend or make a new friend in India. This room has two single beds and we can offer you one large bed if you are coming with your partner, do let us know.

Early Bird Price: $2,800, regular price will be $3,200 after October 12, 2024

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UK £ Please send your payment to the BACS information below.

Your Non-Refundable Deposit is £600.00 to save your spot.
Paying in full is an option if you are ready to jump in with both feet today.

See sample photos of the accommodation below:
Note all rooms have en suite bathrooms.

Name: Sarah Tomlinson, Bank: Lloyds, Sort Code: 30-94-72 , Account Number: 30221568

Follow Up By Sending Your Proof Of Payment To:

Palace AC Room Single Occupancy
Early Bird: £2,750
(regular price £3,200)

Please pay in full or send your £600.00 DEPOSIT in today. Via Bacs info above.

Palace AC Room Shared Occupancy (two single beds or one large bed)
Early Bird: £2,190
(regular price £2,700)

Please pay in full or send your £600.00 DEPOSIT in today. Via Bacs info above.

Hill View AC Room Single Occupancy
Early Bird: £2,650
(regular price £3,100)

Please pay in full or send your £600.00 DEPOSIT in today. Via Bacs info above.

Hill View AC Room Shared Occupancy (two single beds or one large bed)
Early Bird: £2,150
(regular price £2,600)

Please pay in full or send your £600.00 DEPOSIT in today. Via Bacs info above.