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Kamakhya Balance Due


Kamakhya Balance Due

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Kamakhya Balance Due

from $1,500.00


△ All payments are non refundable after October 1, 2023 △

If you have not paid in full, the remaining balance is due by the dates listed below. To pay your remaining balance, select the occupancy that you registered with.

△ 50% due by August 1st

△ 50% remaining due by October 1st 

Single Occupancy =$2,600 x2

Double Occupancy △ 2 Beds Per Room =$1,650 x2

Shared Room △ In Delhi and Calcutta △ Single Occupancy in Kamakhya =$2,000 x2

You MUST complete ALL 5 PAGES of the waiver declaring your personal responsibility on this retreat. Your passport information so that we can book domestic flights; your passport must be valid for six months past the date of this retreat. We request an I.C.E. of your close friends or relatives and proof of travel insurance for the duration of the retreat. You will also require an Indian Tourist Visa unless you are living in India currently.

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