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 Welcome to Black Friday Sales!

This is where you can find 20% off your Yantra Consultation and Follow Up appointments.

Read more about the consultations HERE.


This is the perfect time for you to get a total mind/body/life makeover.

This two hour consultation allows you to:

Gain insights into your life purpose.

Deepen the nourishing relationships in your life.

Clear out what is no longer serving you.

Bring your body into wellness.

See how the cosmic perspective of your life is unfolding.

Work with the Yantra that will key you into your desires and bring fulfilment.


Black Friday Consultation Special - 20% off!
Sale Price: $235.00 Original Price: $295.00

Black Friday Follow-Up Consultation 20% Gifted!
Sale Price: $120.00 Original Price: $150.00

A Follow-Up Consultation builds on the foundation created in your initial two hour session.

Now you get to go deeper into your present issues.

What is going on? Are there areas that we need to look at? A general tonic of a follow-up meeting is also really nice.

If you feel that some support and clarity are needed to bring you the success you desire in one or more areas of you life, come for a follow-up. You will receive a new Yantra pdf to work with and supporting Mantra along with present moment counseling and insight.



Get Savings Today On Multiple Decks!


Check out the options as you ‘check out’ for your savings. Your friends and you will LOVE the new deck!